(If you like, take this test in video form at the end of this post and share with your loved ones on Thanksgiving.)
Most of us will feast on turkey later this week as we celebrate Thanksgiving with our families, friends, etc. I wanted you to have some food for thought (no pun intended?) as you're chomping away on that poor bird.
And so just for fun here’s a test to see how much you know or don’t know about the turkey (have a great Thanksgiving everybody!)…
1. At night a turkey is known to spend the night in this place (maybe to escape the Thanksgiving table?):
(a) a hotel; (b) a cave; (c) a tent; (d) a tree.
2. A turkey can move fast when it needs to (again maybe to escape the Thanksgiving table?). It is said that a turkey can burst into flight at the following speed:
(a) 50-55 mph; (b) 60-65 mph; (c) 70-75 mph; (d) 80-85 mph.
3. A turkey has skin that hangs over it's beak. This skin is called:
(a) a caruncle; (b) a snood; (c) a wattle; (d) a sneetch.
4. Tryptophan is an amino acid that is found in turkey meat. Tryptophan is known to make people:
(a) happy; (b) sing out in a chorus; (c) gain 10 lbs; (d) sleepy.
5. The turkey sitting on your table for Thanksgiving Dinner probably weighs close to 20-25 lbs., give or take. Do you know how much the biggest turkey ever raised weighed?
(a) 84 lbs.; (b) 85 lbs.; (c) 86 lbs.; (d) 87 lbs.
6. You can find wild turkeys in every state of America except this one:
(a) North Dakota; (b) Minnesota; (c) Texas; (d) Alaska.
7. Male and female turkeys speak in different languages. (Female turkeys are from Venus, males from Mars!) The male turkeys gobble while the female turkeys make this sound:
(a) a clicking sound; (b) a yodel; (c) a nagging sound; (d) none of the above.
Answers: 1. (d); 2. (a); 3. (b); 4. (d); 5. (c); 6. (d); 7. (a).
(This test was developed and based on information from the following websites: Thanksgiving Gifts - Fun Facts about Thanksgiving, Holiday Insight: Thanksgiving Turkey Trivia, Thirty Amazing Turkey Facts, and Turkey Facts: Thanksgiving Fun.)
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