
Monday, October 17, 2011

Humor Me: Loosen Up and Lol

Humor is just another defense against the universe. ~Mel Brooks

Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and leg in a car crash? He's all right now. What do you call four bull fighters in quicksand? Quatro sinko. What kind of coffee was served on the Titanic and what kind of lettuce? Sanka and iceberg.

And these funnies from all have something in common. Did you notice? Yes, they are all corny. Yes, they make you laugh out loud. (Well, they did me.) No, they weren't used on Comedy Central. (At least, I don't think so.) The something in common that the above humor has is, first of all, they're bad situations (losing your limbs, falling in quicksand, boating on the Titanic) and then, secondly, they're looked at through the eyes of humor. Each of the bad situations are. Do you see that? There's a "twist" that softens the blow. Sid Caesar defined it when he spoke about comedy: "You take the truth and you put a little curlicue at the end."

And I was thinking about how athletes, they work hard to stay loose so that they'll play their best game. Right? And when they have a bad game, you'll hear them saying, "I didn't loosen up enough. I was way too tight" and that's why they lost the game. (Sometimes they say that.)

I submit to you it's the same with us when it comes to life. Whatever tough circumstance we face, we need to stay loose. To "play our best game" (to cultivate the right frame of mind for good decision and choice making) we need to have the edge taken off the seriousness and lighten up a little. The way we do it is through a sense of humor in the midst of things.

Quotes always do it best for me. And so here are a few more funnies this time from to put a "curlicue" on this post:

Did you hear about the fire in the circus? It was in tents. (Read that again if you didn't get it.) What do you call a Bee who is having a bad hair day? A frisbee! (You got that one.) What did 0 (zero) say to 8 (eight)? Nice belt! (Now there's a good way to hold in my big belly.)


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1 comment:

  1. We have a shop in the mall called "Cool and Hip". I went in. They said I don't belong there.
