
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The Sun's Out (But Think Rainy Day)

We're turning a corner in the real estate market (it seems). Sales are up. (Yay.) It's a kind of a sigh of relief for an industry that's been suffering for quite a while.

And I can remember at the downturn how many found themselves in the place where they were wishing they'd saved more for a "rainy day." And of those that were wishing that, I guess a larger percentage of them are no longer in the real estate business any more. (Maybe? Probably?) They're missing the turnaround.

And I guess the challenge is, when you have more money (due to the sales of homes or whatever it happens to be that's your product), you tend to just spend it. Right? (Is that your tendency?) And who needs a rainy day fund anyway, when the sun's out and shining and there's not a cloud in the sky? (sarcasm)

Bottom line: We need to save for a rainy day. (We do!) Now's the time.

Because, inevitably, there will be another rainy day (downturn). And there's not a one of us that can predict when or how soon.

(That's not a cloud I see on the horizon, is it?)

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