Why me? Have you ever asked yourself that question? (Sure you have. I have.) The son of a king went out with his friends and they found a wild horse. The son said to the king, "Look at the good thing that happened. I found this horse." The king said, "Whether it's good or bad we cannot tell." Then the horse ran away. The son said to the king, "Look at the bad thing that happened. The horse is gone." The king said, "Whether it's good or bad we cannot tell." Then the horse came back with a pack of horses. The son said to the king, "Look. The horse is back with more." The king said, "Whether it's good or bad we cannot tell." Then the son went riding one day and fell off the horse. He said to the king, "Look. I broke my leg." The king said, "Whether it's good or bad we cannot tell." Then war broke out in the kingdom. All the son's friends went off to fight while he stayed home nursing his leg. None would return.
And so it is with life. Whether it's good or bad ~ only time will tell. It's helpful to keep in mind the next time you find yourself asking, "Why me?"
Labels: hope, lake tulloch homes, lake tulloch real estate, mother lode real estate, positive outlook, real estate calaveras county, real estate lake tulloch, realtor
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